About Me

Who am I? My name is Oscar Leske, I was born in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. After graduating from high school in Drumheller, Alberta in 1965, I moved to British Columbia and later on in 1969 moved to the West Coast, to Vancouver, BC. After 31 years of marketing and sales I retired in 2002.

I want to begin by telling you that I’m not a pastor, preacher or minister. In fact, I’m not even a religious person, as far as religion goes, but I do love Jesus for what He’s accomplished for me on Calvary’s cross in offering me hope, salvation, reconciliation, and life eternal. It is a personal relationship with God, the Father, through His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus. Having a relationship with God has nothing to do with religion and it has everything to do with Jesus and what He’s done for us and not anything of what we can do to earn righteousness – we can only cling to His righteousness. The difference between relationship and religion is the same as the difference between done versus do. Let me explain: God did not come to earth to start a religion. He did not create us to start a religious following. As God, He needs nothing. He did not create us to be His servants as God has all the angels in heaven to look after and administer to all of His needs. The plain truth is that God doesn’t need us!  So why did He create us?  What was His purpose for creating you and me?

Scripture clearly tells us that God created man for His pleasure, for His fellowship, so that we can have an intimate relationship with God – it’s called love. God created you and loves you so much that He wants you to get to know Him and spend eternity with Him in fellowship. It has nothing to do with religion, buildings, rules and regulations, priests, ceremonies or traditions. Again, it’s about a relationship not a religion. Truth be known; God deplores religion and those doing religious works. What, you may say?  Didn’t God invent religion?  No!  God created man and it was man who invented religion. As a matter of fact one of the reasons that Jesus came to earth was to do away with religion. Just look at Jesus when He called the proud religious leaders “hypocrites” and then later uttering these thunderous words; “Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell (Matthew 23:33)?”

I’m going to stop here in regards to “who I am” as I have explained everything you need to know about me in the introduction to my book – what I believe and why I believe it and why I wrote the book. You’re going to be amazed at what Scripture tells us regarding the times we are living in today. God revealing the future not to scare us but to prepare us.  Scripture has been proven 100% accurate in the predictions of the past in Christ’s first coming to earth in Bethlehem.  Scripture will also be proven 100% accurate regarding the predictions of the future we see happening right before our eyes today. You can’t afford to miss what’s coming next.   Love Oscar

( Read Introduction )